The sweetest kiss I have ever seen! Canyon is a total daddy's boy and i love watching him copy every thing Dustin does! I am one lucky lady to get to watch this love grow!
Easter this year for our little "bunny" was fantastic! He absolutely loved hunting the eggs! He would go from egg to egg picking them up and shaking them to see if they had candy in them! He was such a great hunter this year! Every year has gotten better in my life but i sure don't was my little guy to grow up too fast!
One by one he placed every "eggie" in hus dinosaur basket! The easter bunny was so good to him this year! Papa bunny even brought him a tractor! He love love loves his tractor and his big papa.
Easter this year was so exciting and i absolutely love the age Canyon is at! He is just the sweetest little thing and we are truly blessed for every day God gives us with him!