Friday, September 10, 2010

So i didnt want Canyons first birthday to go by with out getting professional photos taken of my sweet baby boy. I had called around to several places and no one could get him in! So what did i do you might ask?..... I put my professional photographer hat on and i took some photos of my sweetie!! Ok so they dont have my signature on the bottom but they still look good to me!! There are several more that i like but these are just a few of my favorites! Hes getting so big and i dont want to miss a second of his sweetness! We love you booger bear!


We had a few birthday parties for out little man and that means a few cakes! Of course i went over board and we had a different cake for the parties! They were so cute and way to big! There was tons left over and left over cake is a weakness in this house! So what did we do with all these sweets??? In the trash they went!!! We are trying to loose weight in this house theres no way we could keep these yummie cakes around!! But we got some good pictures and those will last forever! Way better that the tire around my tummie lasting forever! I love you Canyon but your sweet enough for this house we dont need all your cake eventhough they served as a great center piece during your party!! Happy birthday!
i love you

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Family Day

Today we had a family day! Some of you might as "what is that?" It's AMAZING! We took Canyon to the park and went for a walk just the three of us! It was so nice to get to visit and enjoy playing with Canyon. This was his first time to go to a big kid park! His favorite part was the slide! He was so brave, he went down like a big boy and kept trying to climb back up. He's growing to fast!

My favorite part was being with my two favortie boys! Just to see them enjoyiung eachother makes for a wonderful day! I love to watch Canyons face light up when he plays with his daddy. When Dustin is around i am the biggest looser in Canyons book! Im ok with that for now becaus ei know and i hope its just a phase!!

Dustins favorite part was pushing Booger around in his new car! Canyon acted a little to big in that car, opening and closing the door, honking the horn and i even caught him trying to make a phone call while driving!! Kids these days!!


These are some pictures from Canyons first birthday party! It was CRAZY! It was an amazing day but no one warned me that i would be overwhelmed with people and presents and all the craziness that can go on during party time! You know me im more of the quiet no crowds kind of girl and this party was completely opposite!! I was shocked after everyone left to realize that me and Dustin never had an ugly look or word with eachother! Maybe i was to distracted by my high blood pressure and panic attack to notice all the things he was doing wrong! haha just kidding kinda! i Absolutley had a blast at his birthday party and wouldnbt change a thing!! I love this littke guy and everything that goes with him! Such as the million toys he recieved that i had to find a place for!! Happy 1st Birthday Booger!!

Choo Choo!

Choo choo!! Here comes Canyon!! This is little C with his Thomas the train, he loves this toy! Hes always acting like hes driving and when his daddy pushes him around he says "whoo whoo!" Its crazy how time flys, the picture below is just a few months prior and he looks so small! I wish time could stand still so i caould take in all my little mans facial expressions and his giggles!

Here is the side view of my little man! He is all boy and this particular day he couldnt decide if he would rather be in pirate mode or train conductor mode! This thomas the train toy is newer and he loves for his daddy to push him around!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We love Emma!

Emma is Canyons bestie! Okay okay so maybe emma is my besties daughter but maybe one day! We love for her to come play! The kids already argue over little things and they are so little! I think me and Lindsey will have our hands full later! I will enjoy every minute and every argument. Wow i love love these two little ones!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


This was Canyons first trip to the lake and first ride on the boat! I was kinda nervous that it would be miserable but Canyon loved it! Not once did he cry. He didnt seem to be bothered by his life jacket at all! He enjoyed watching his mom and daddy play on the wake board and tube. He also took a quick nap while riding! It was so great to have the family all together going through Canyons first with us! Just wait one day Canyon will be teaching me how to wake board! We also had a few friends go along with us! When i say friends i mean Jake and Jaxson (cousins). This was their first boat ride as well! The boys did so amazing and loved the wind in their hair and the warm weather! It was perfect for napping! Jake did have a small problem when his mom played on the tube. Maybe he thought she was gonna drowned or leave him but one day he will be out there having a great time as well! I love that the boys are so close!


Any time there is a sporting event going on, me and Canyon are there!! We love watching sports or is it that we love being out of the house? hmm i dont know but anyways, this particular night we were headed out to watch aunt Holly play in the MCS alumni game. Holly had voluntered Dustin to cook burgers so we had to be there early, we enjoyed our time watching daddy cook and waiting for all the girls to warm up! During the game i didnt get any pictures of the game because i was so busy focusing and playing with my sweet little boy! His favorite toy is weebles wobble and we took our litte blonde weeble (jessica) to the game for entertainment! I love his little smile, his hat and his jacket! okay okay i love everything that canyon likes!!

I love you Booger!

Family fun night!!

So, one of Canyon and mines favoritest things is to have family over to play and eat!! I love having my mom and family over in order to catch up and just spend time together! Canyon likes to have them over because he gets all the ATTENTION! We play, we eat and we take lots ofpictures! Canyon loves loves hannah and his nana! So nice to have close family that likes to visit, or likes what i cook!


This was an amazing weekend with our newest photographer. We went out to this rail road set up out on the west side of town and were ready to smile for the camera! It had been in the upper 70's low 80's all week up until picture time. When we woke up this particular morning is was very cold and rainy! We decided to tuff it out and get our pictures done. It was so cold and all we had packed for canyon was short sleeve outfits! He was such a trooper and although his nose was as red as a cherry he smiled very nicely!

Dosnt he look so handsome and big in this wagon!! He had just recently learned how to sit up and was still a bit wobbly and when i went to move my hair out of my mouth (from the wind blowing) bloop, there Canyon went and fell right out of the wagon! He didnt cry just gave me a dissapointing look then went back to smiling! He is so stinkin cute! He stole the heart of Ashley (our photographer) with his growling! Canyon is not only the cutest little thing but he has ambition to one day be a real live dinosaur! Hes constantly growling and having competitions with us on whos scarier and loudest! Man I love this life!!


The week befor easter is usually full of spending time with family and dying easter eggs, well theres no difference here. We ( our little family of 3, hannah, and dustins sister and family) all sat out on the back porch and had so much fun dying eggs!

This was Canyons first Easter, and its true, children make every holiday a little more special! More special because we get to celebrate how blessed we are to have Canyon in our life. The day started out with our little family of 3 getting ready for church. After we wnt to church we came back to the house and recorded canyon on his first easter. We then headed to nanna and big papas house for lunch! The easter bunny came and brought canyon toys and a splash mat! after we ate we headed over to dustins sisters and played with the new toys!! It was a great day!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Daddy

So as i was growing up my dad worked so hard i very rarely saw him having a good time unless he was watching us girls play softball. We did go to the putt-putt and race go carts, but most of my child hood he was work work work! It is so nice that now a days him and my mom are actually enjoying themselves!! This little razor was a gift for hannah but we all enjoy riding this scooter thing up and down the street! When i see my dad on this thing i always giggle because it makes me so happy to see him enjoying life! Hes so much fun! I am one lucky girl to be his daughter!!

This was the very first time Canyon sat in his "big boy seat!" He absolutely loved it! Yes i know the car seat is in our kitchen floor but we just couldnt wait for it to be in the car befor we tried it out!! He laughed the first time his daddy put him in it the he had to make it his own and spit up in it too! People say that a front facing car seat will change your life and they were right! Me and Canyon are much happier with this seat!!!

Just a swinging!

This was Canyons very first time to swing in an outdoor swing! Me and mom had a blast watching him giggle when we pushed him! He liked it so much that he feel asleep in it for a while! I bet it was a good nap!

vegas baby!

So for moms birthday we went to Vegas! We had never been before and were sooooo excited to go! We absolutely loved it!

The first night we were there all of us girls went to see the "O" show! It was the water show and it just blew me away! We all loved it except hannah htought it was too long! ha! Thankfully my husband understood that i never get girl time and he didnt mind staying back and keeping Canyon for the night and most of the weekend! We also went and saw the lion kind which was great and the zumanity show. Yes zumanity was my first topless scene! haha i had no idea it was like that and thankfully Dustin was back at the hotel with C because i dont think i would have ever gotten him out of the show! Boobs were everywhere and the one hott guy that we saw kissed another man and it just ruined his hotness for me!

We were so afraid my dad would hate Vegas because of the crowds and the walking but it was great he loved it!! I love having my family all together enjoying life!!

So... so far Canyon has been to Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and of course Texas!!

We had a blast!!

valentines day

Happy Valentines day!!!

okay okay i know its june 14th 2010!! i know its not valentines but i have not updated in a long while!!

This was the most amazing valentines ever!! Just having canyon in my life is a gift! i know i want other gifts from my husband but truthfully just seeing my sons happy face is enough to make my day and holidays amazing!! Two days before valentines was the very first time Canyon stayed with someone other than my mom or his aunts! He stayed with my aunt Martha so me and dustin could go to diner! I trust her and she was great with Canyon but i just couldnt get home to him quick enough! I know people say it gets easier but hey, give me time!! Yes its June now and i still can' leave him!!!! ahhh yes its true, i am one of those over obsessive mothers that dosnt trust that anyone will take care of him and make him happy the way i do!! In all reality he probley likes the breat from me aas well!!

The monkey he is sitting with was a gift from Canyons big papa (my dad) and he absolutely loves his life size monkey!! Believe it or not he is rolling in the living room floor with that same monkey!! Over all it was an amazing valentines!!

i love you C

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

growing up

this was canyons first day of mothers day out! i cried all day and picked him up early because i missed him! Canyon had a great day!


jake, canyon and big papa

daddy and c


first parade!

canyon with his aunt leslie and uncle gary

ho ho ho

daddy made canyon a snow man!!


my loves!

gracie and canyon